Category Archives: Do You Know?

Kurinzi Virgin Coconut Oil: Sourced from Tall Variety Coconut Trees!

Virgin Coconut Oil from Tall Coconut Tree

Kurinzi Virgin Coconut Oil is crafted from the finest coconuts, sourced exclusively from naturally manured tall variety coconut trees (nattu/desi) that are aged 35 years or more. These mature trees have naturally developed resistance to common coconut tree ailments and pests, ensuring a robust yield of coconuts and consequently, a superior quality of virgin coconut oil.

Have you ever tried cooking with Virgin Coconut Oil?

Cooking With Virgin Coconut Oil

Using virgin coconut oil for cooking can be a game-changer for your culinary adventures, health, and overall well-being. Let’s dive into the exciting world of virgin coconut oil, exploring its numerous advantages and health benefits, all backed by science.

What is Kavala Graha Kriya (Oil Pulling): Benefits and How to Practice It?

Kavala Graha Kriya (oil pulling) Benefits and How to Practice It?

Kavala Graha Kriya, commonly referred to as “oil pulling,” is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that has gained popularity in recent years for its potential oral and overall health benefits. This practice involves swishing edible oil in your mouth for a specified duration, typically 15-20 minutes, before spitting it out. While coconut oil is a popular choice due to its potential health advantages, other edible oils like sesame oil or sunflower oil can also be used.